01. OK Go - The Writing's On The Wall (Dir. Aaron Duffy, Damian Kulash, Jr. & Bob Partington)

02. Jack White - Lazaretto (Dir. Jonas & Francois)  

03. Wild Beasts - Mecca (Dir. Kate Moross)

04. Arctic Monkeys - Snap Out Of It (Dir. Focus Creeps) 

05. Liars - Pro Anti Anti (Dir. Yoonha Park)

06. Eels - Lockdown Hurricane (Dir. Andrew Van Baal)

07. Guided By Voices - Bad Love Is Easy To Do (Dir. Mike Postalakis)

08. Washed Out - Weightless (Dir. David Altobelli)

09. Pink Mountaintops - The Second Summer Of Love (Dir. Brook Linder)

10. A Sunny Day In Glasgow - In Love With The Useless (Dir. Ty Flowers)

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